티스토리 뷰
위 링크의 자료를 이용
public class AutocompleteConfig {
private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate;
@Bean(name = {"autocompleteKeyRepository", "keyRepository"})
public AutocompleteKeyRepository keyRepository() {
// auto-complete custom key implements for test
AutocompleteKeyRepository keyRepository = new AutocompleteKeyServiceImpl(stringRedisTemplate);
return keyRepository;
@Bean(name = {"autocompleteRepository"})
public AutocompleteRepository autocompleteRepository(AutocompleteKeyRepository autocompleteKeyRepository) {
AutocompleteRepository autocompleteRepository = new AutocompleteServiceImpl(stringRedisTemplate, autocompleteKeyRepository);
return autocompleteRepository;
public interface AutocompleteKeyRepository {
String create(String word, String identifier);
double incr(String word, String identifier);
String getKey(String firstLetter);
AutocompleteData (VO)
public class AutocompleteData implements Comparable<AutocompleteData> {
private String value;
private int score;
public AutocompleteData(String value, int score) {
this.value = value;
this.score = score;
public int compareTo(AutocompleteData autocompleteData) {
return ((Integer)autocompleteData.getScore()).compareTo(this.score);
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
public int getScore() {
return score;
public void setScore(int score) {
this.score = score;
public interface AutocompleteRepository {
List<AutocompleteData> complete(final String word);
List<AutocompleteData> complete(final String word, final double min, final double max, final int offset);
void add(final String word);
double incr(final String word);
void clear(final String key);
public class AutocompleteKeyServiceImpl implements AutocompleteKeyRepository {
protected static final String DELIMITER = ":";
protected static final String PREFIX = "autocomplete" + DELIMITER;
private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate;
public AutocompleteKeyServiceImpl(StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate) {
this.stringRedisTemplate = stringRedisTemplate;
public String create(final String word, final String identifier) {
Assert.hasLength(word, "Word cannot be empty or null");
String trimedWord = word.trim();
String firstLetter = getPrefix(trimedWord);
String generatedKey = generateKey(firstLetter, trimedWord.length());
System.out.println("generatedKey : " + generatedKey);
if(!hasKey(generatedKey, trimedWord, identifier)) {
stringRedisTemplate.opsForZSet().add(generatedKey, trimedWord + identifier, 1);
stringRedisTemplate.opsForZSet().add(generatedKey, firstLetter, 0);
for (int index = 1; index < trimedWord.length() + 1; index++) {
stringRedisTemplate.opsForZSet().add(generatedKey, trimedWord.substring(0, index), 0);
return generatedKey;
public String getKey(String word) {
String firstLetter = getPrefix(word);
return generateKeyWithoutLength(firstLetter);
public double incr(final String word, final String identifier) {
Assert.hasLength(word, "Word cannot be empty or null");
String trimedWord = word.trim();
String firstLetter = getPrefix(trimedWord);
String generatedKey = generateKey(firstLetter, trimedWord.length());
System.out.println("generatedKey : " + generatedKey);
if(!hasKey(generatedKey, trimedWord, identifier)) return 0;
return stringRedisTemplate.opsForZSet().incrementScore(generatedKey, trimedWord + identifier, 1);
private String generateKey(final String firstLetter, int length){
return generateKeyWithoutLength(firstLetter) + length;
private String generateKeyWithoutLength(final String firstLetter){
return PREFIX + firstLetter + DELIMITER;
private boolean hasKey(final String key, final String word, final String identifier){
Double exist = stringRedisTemplate.opsForZSet().score(key, word.trim() + identifier);
return exist != null;
private String getPrefix(final String word){
return word.substring(0, 1);
public class AutocompleteServiceImpl implements AutocompleteRepository {
private final double min = 0;
private final double max = 5;
private final int offset = 30;
private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate;
private AutocompleteKeyRepository keyRepository;
public AutocompleteServiceImpl(StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate, AutocompleteKeyRepository keyRepository) {
this.stringRedisTemplate = stringRedisTemplate;
this.keyRepository = keyRepository;
public List<AutocompleteData> complete(@RequestParam String word) {
return complete(word, min, max, offset);
public List<AutocompleteData> complete(String word, double min, double max, int offset) {
Assert.hasLength(word, "Word cannot be empty or null");
String trimedWord = word.trim();
int trimedWordLength = trimedWord.length();
String key = keyRepository.getKey(trimedWord);
List<AutocompleteData> autocompletes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = trimedWordLength; i < offset; i++) {
if (autocompletes.size() == offset) break;
Set<TypedTuple<String>> rangeResultsWithScore = stringRedisTemplate
.reverseRangeByScoreWithScores(key + i, min, max, 0, offset);
if (rangeResultsWithScore.isEmpty()) continue;
for (TypedTuple<String> typedTuple : rangeResultsWithScore) {
if (autocompletes.size() == offset) break;
String value = typedTuple.getValue();
int minLength = Math.min(value.length(), trimedWordLength);
if (!value.endsWith(DEFAULT_DELIMITER) || !value.startsWith(trimedWord.substring(0, minLength))) continue;
autocompletes.add(new AutocompleteData(value.replace(DEFAULT_DELIMITER, ""), typedTuple.getScore().intValue()));
return autocompletes;
public void add(String word) {
keyRepository.create(word, DEFAULT_DELIMITER);
public double incr(String word) {
return keyRepository.incr(word, DEFAULT_DELIMITER);
public void clear(String key) {
AutocompleteKeyRepository autocompleteKeyRepository;
AutocompleteRepository autocompleteRepository;
public JSONResult redisSearch(@RequestParam String word) {
return JSONResult.success(autocompleteRepository.complete(word));
위 내용들을 각 service, repository, controller에 넣고 확인
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